[BOOK] The Case of South Korea test
저자 : Jaeuk Park, Naya Choi, Jieun Kiaer, Paul Seedhouse 저널명(출판사명) : The Asian EFL Journal 발행연도(출간연도) : 2019년 권호사항(ISBN) : 21권 1호 초록 (내용소개) This study aimed to investigate the relative impacts of personal factors (marital status, age of children taught, type of childcare center, and emotional labor), work-related social relationships, […]
[최신연구] 최신연구논문 테스트3
저자 : Jaeuk Park, Naya Choi, Jieun Kiaer, Paul Seedhouse 저널명(출판사명) : The Asian EFL Journal 발행연도(출간연도) : 2019년 권호사항(ISBN) : 21권 1호 초록 (내용소개) This study aimed to investigate the relative impacts of personal factors (marital status, age of children taught, type of childcare center, and emotional labor), work-related social relationships, […]
[BOOK] TEST The Case of South Korea
저자 : Jaeuk Park, Naya Choi, Jieun Kiaer, Paul Seedhouse 저널명(출판사명) : The Asian EFL Journal 발행연도(출간연도) : 2019년 권호사항(ISBN) : 21권 1호 초록 (내용소개) This study aimed to investigate the relative impacts of personal factors (marital status, age of children taught, type of childcare center, and emotional labor), work-related social relationships, […]
[BOOK] TEST Young Children’s Foreign Language Anxiety: The Case of South Korea
저자 : Jaeuk Park, Naya Choi, Jieun Kiaer, Paul Seedhouse 저널명(출판사명) : The Asian EFL Journal 발행연도(출간연도) : 2019년 권호사항(ISBN) : 21권 1호 초록 (내용소개) This study aimed to investigate the relative impacts of personal factors (marital status, age of children taught, type of childcare center, and emotional labor), work-related social relationships, […]
[최신연구] TEST 최신연구2
저자 : Jaeuk Park, Naya Choi, Jieun Kiaer, Paul Seedhouse 저널명(출판사명) : The Asian EFL Journal 발행연도(출간연도) : 2019년 권호사항(ISBN) : 21권 1호 초록 (내용소개) This study aimed to investigate the relative impacts of personal factors (marital status, age of children taught, type of childcare center, and emotional labor), work-related social relationships, […]
[최신연구] TEST 최신연구 TITLE
저자 : Jaeuk Park, Naya Choi, Jieun Kiaer, Paul Seedhouse 저널명(출판사명) : The Asian EFL Journal 발행연도(출간연도) : 2019년 권호사항(ISBN) : 21권 1호 초록 (내용소개) This study aimed to investigate the relative impacts of personal factors (marital status, age of children taught, type of childcare center, and emotional labor), work-related social relationships, […]
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