


BK21 교육연구단의 소식을

제146차 BK콜로키움 : Exploring Socio-Economic Outcomes of Urban Renewal through Quasi-Experiments (Longfeng Wu / Peking University)

[제146차 환경대학원 BK교육연구단 콜로키움 안내]

11월 18일(월) “Exploring Socio-Economic Outcomes of Urban Renewal through Quasi-Experiments”이라는 주제로 Peking University의 Longfeng Wu 박사님의 강연 진행할 예정입니다.

ㅇ 일시: 2024년 11월 18일(월) 오후 17:00~18:30
ㅇ 장소: 환경대학원 82동 113호
* zoom ID864 0912 7412 https://snu-ac-kr.zoom.us/j/86409127412
ㅇ 주최: 서울대학교 환경계획연구소, 서울대학교 환경대학원 City Energy Lab, 서울대학교 환경대학원 4단계 BK21: 대전환기 지속가능도시 혁신인재 양성단
ㅇ 사회 : Jige Quan 교수 / 환경대학원 도시 및 지역계획학 전공
ㅇ 강연자/소속: Dr. Longfeng Wu / Peking University
ㅇ 강연자 소개: Longfeng Wu is an assistant professor (tenure-track) at Peking University, College of Urban and Environmental Sciences. His overarching research interest is about how to make sustainable and equitable urban environments. To achieve that, he is pursuing three multi-disciplinary topics: (1) social-spatial (in)equality of green/blue infrastructures and the driving factors, (2) public health outcomes of urban green spaces and the underlying mechanisms, and (3) land conservation in the light of climate change adaptation. His research incorporates mixed methods including data mining, GIS, social survey, spatial and statistical analyses, mapping, and visualization. Supported by more than 20 public/private research grants from Chinese Ministry of Education, Lincoln Institute of Land Policy and more, his research was published in several journals including Landscape and Urban Planning, Urban Studies, Environmental Science and Policy, Sustainable Cities and Societies, and Ecological Indicators. More importantly, his research aims to provide designers, planners, and decision-makers actionable information and ultimately promote more equitable and sustainable development for a neighborhood, a city, and a society at large. He was involved in several built urban green space projects in mainland China and, as a team leader, won more than 30 domestic/international urban planning and design competitions.
ㅇ 강연 주제: Exploring Socio-Economic Outcomes of Urban Renewal through Quasi-Experiments
ㅇ 문의: 담당조교(seojung.lee@snu.ac.kr)
